Monday 18 October 2010

Compulsion - Representation of Ethnicity

     In Compulsion, the director uses various different techniques to represent ethnicity in the drama. This is conveyed through a series of different methods. Firstly with Camera Techniques; at the beginning of the clip there is an establishing shot, this shows the outside of the party with indian decorations around the house. Later on in the clip is a tracking shot that follows the father through the house, as this is occuring, the camera goes past many indian ornaments showing the culture of the main character. A close-up shot is also used, this allows the viewer to see the full face and personal identity of the character. Another technique is the over-the-shoulder shot, this makes the viewer feel more involved in the ethnic minority involved in the conversation. Finally, a low angle shot is used and we see the white firends in the foreground with indian relatives in the background, this shows a clear divide between ethnicity.
     Ethnicity is also represented through editing such as cross-cutting in conversations and the use of eyeline match. The eyeline match creates more of a relationship between the father and daughter and emphasises their cultural heritage.
     Sound plays a major part in representation. This is mainly shown through the indian styled soundtrack. Another main factor is the accents of the people from different ethnic backgrounds.
     Mis En Scene is the most important part for representaion as it controls what appears on-screen, particularly in Compulsion. Costume wise, there are many smart suits emphasising wealth as well as indian clothing showing the culture, as well as expensive jewellry. The set and location is "expensive" and it shows the viewer that the characters are wealthy. Another main factor is that we stereotype Ray Winstone's character as a white gangster due to his other roles in british cinema.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Spooks - Representation of Identity

Spooks -"Remberance Day Bomb"  
  • Mid Shot
  • Over the shoulder (Shows the dramatic lifestyle of the spy trying to disarm the bomb - makes the viewer feel part of the story, experiencing the terryfying job of the character)
  • Establishing Shot (Shows a heavy contrast between the hectic lifestyle of spies and the solemn pedestrians that are standing silent for the fallen soldiers of britain)

  • A score (Sharp, short, drums, violin - action style - emphasises the adrenaline filled lifestyle of the main character)
  • Diegetic
  • Silence (emphasises the melancholy mood of the co-workers of the main character)
  • Big Ben (represents the 11 rings of silence for the fallen soldiers of britain - including the main character that has just died for his country.
  • Dark Suits and ties (fits in with pedestrians who are dressed smartly for rememberance day -they are respecting the people that served the country)
  • Poppys - (The main symbol for rememberance day - it shows how the characters and pedestrians respect the people that served the country.
  • London (An area of vast cultural identity - also shows the areas such as the cenotaph, used to reflect on the violent history of britain).
  • Dark, as if there is plenty of cloud cover (emphasises the dark atmosphere of the day).
  • Bright Explosion (contrasts the darkness, making the twist more effective in the plot).
  • Sound Match
  • Jump Cut (shows the hectic and dramatic lifestyle of the main character).
  • Slow-mo (shows the solemn mood of the characters as they see their co-worker die for them and their country).
  • Pedestrians are quiet and still,it shows that they respect their british identity and how people died for the position they are in today.
  • The main characters (spies) are constantly running around and it shows that they are used to this kind of lifestyle everyday.
  • The boss (Harry Pearce) seemsto be around 60, he seems experienced- it is what he has done his whole life.